Ours is a ministry of presence. Our goal is to be there for the children, many of whom are suffering from trauma, grief and loss, to show them the healing presence of God’s love. In a world that feels unsafe and out of control, we provide emotional safety, support and unconditional love.
Our chaplains are often the first consistent adult presence in their lives. In the time they are with us, we show them that God is alive in them.

"The children seem to know that we, the chaplains, will keep what they say private. Almost intuitively, they are very respectful."Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker (former chaplain 2005 - 2017)

"We forget that they're still children; we forget that they still cry. The great thing about our Chaplain is that he doesn't forget."The Honorable Jimmie Edwards (St. Louis Family Court 2007-2012)