Come celebrate our 70th Anniversary at:
Moment in Time Gala: Creating Possibilities, Illuminating Futures
Thursday, October 17
Thank you to everyone who supported Moment in Time 2023; it was a wonderful evening!
Mission Moment
Watch the ECM Mission Moment video that was presented at our 2023 Moment in Time Gala.
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SHOUT OUT to the Marlene Swan Memorial Fund for being a Gold Sponsor of our Moment in Time Gala! None of our work would be possible without the support of our incredible sponsors!#DioMO #episcopalchurch #youthatrisk #juvenilejustice #HopeAndHealing
Thank you so much to Plancorp Wealth Management for being a Benefactor Sponsor of this year's Moment in Time Gala! This year's gala will celebrate our 70th anniversary, and we are so grateful to Plancorp for their sponsor#momentintimegalaI#ecme#70YearsStronge#CreatingPossibilitiess#illuminatingfuturesi#SupportYouthpportYouth